
Covid-19 Information

Mask Mandate and Temp Check
All persons coming into the building are required to wear a mask and have their temperature taken. If their temperature is 100.4 F or higher they will not be allowed in the building or ask to leave. Students must be picked up within an hour.

 Reporting of Positive COVID-19 Cases
 If your student has symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or had close exposure to someone with COVID-19 within 14 days please notify to school office 612-877-7400.

Technology Agreement
All students will be issued an iPad. All technology guidelines and paperwork must be completed to receive and maintain technology.

Distance Learning Attendance
School starts at 9AM each day.  If a student does not log in or logs in after 10AM, without an excused reason, they will be marked absent for the day.

Live Instruction Model
Students will be provided a live instruction model during Distance Learning to maintain rigor and social interaction. Teachers will be using Smart TV’s to enhance their lessons. Students will be offered additional supports and time for individual instruction. If your student needs to Opt- Out of the Live Instruction Model please contact their teacher for alternative options and accommodations.

Wednesday Food and Paper Homework Drop
Breakfast and Lunch will be provided for days the students would have been in person during the school year. During these drops homework materials maybe delivered. Details and drop times will be received through Bloomz or you can contact the school office.