Emergency School Closings
Stonebridge closing school announcements will be made on the following television stations: WCCO-4 (wcco.com), KARE-11 (kare11.com), KMSP-9 (kmsp.com) and KSTP-5 (kstp.com) starting at 5:30 a.m.
Cold Day: Stonebridge will likely cancel school if the wind chill forecast for 6:30a.m. the following day is -35degrees or colder, with winds of at least 5 to 10 miles per hour
Snow Day: Stonebridge will cancel classes if road conditions are such that travel becomes too hazardous for buses and cars. Wait time at bus stops is taken into consideration.
This may happen if it snows 6 inches or more in 12 hours, or 8 inches or more in 24 hours. Every winter storm is different, so it is possible that school will still be held even if snowfall reaches these limits.
Weekly Backpack Mail
Every Friday, students will bring home a folder of information to be shared with parents and guardians. Information may include announcements of upcoming events, your child’s classroom newsletter, or other information that is distributed school wide. Backpack mail is a very important source of information for parents – please ask your child for his or her folder every Friday, and let the teacher know if your child comes home empty-handed. Also, please return the folder to school each Monday! It is very important that your child bring a backpack to school each day to be able to transport homework and communication from the school. If your child does not have a backpack, Stonebridge will make one available (while supplies last).
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences and Report Cards
Stonebridge issues report cards four times a year. Parent-Teacher-Student conferences are held two times a year, the fall and winter quarters. Watch for a schedule of upcoming dates. Conferences are very important to attend. These conferences, along with report cards, give parents quarterly update on student progress.
Classroom Newsletters
Your child will receive a weekly classroom newsletter. The class newsletter is an excellent place to learn about what your child’s class has been working on as well as information about upcoming events and activities.
Speaking With Your Child’s Teacher
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to contact Stonebridge World School teachers, administrators or office staff with questions or to discuss concerns regarding their children. If you would like to meet with your child’s teacher, please make arrangements with the classroom teacher Also, teachers are unable to take phone calls during the school day. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, please call the office and you will be given the teacher’s voicemail. The
teacher will reach you at a time when they are available, within 24 hours.
School Security
Like all schools, Stonebridge is primarily interested in the safety and security of all of our students and families. Anyone who is not a student and enters the building needs to report directly to the main office. Please notify the office if a family member/friend other than those listed on the enrollment form will be transporting a student to or from school.
At Stonebridge we use the RAPTOR IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM, a visitor registration system that enhances school security. Raptor will provide a consistent system to track visitors, volunteers, and tardy students while protecting our children from people who may present a danger.
When visiting or volunteering at Stonebridge you will need:
- A valid state or government issued photo identification card. If the visitor does not have acceptable photo identification available, the director will be called to assess the
For security measures, all entrances are locked at all times and visitors/parents will have ring the bell and be buzzed in the school, Please be prepared to show identification.
(For more information, refer to 803 Security Management Policy located on the website)
All visitors must check in at the school office to receive a visitors badge. Student pick up at the end of the day will be drive up to door #5 (west side of parking lot), and a temporary pick up pass will be required for student pick, issued by the office on that day.
Messages for Students
If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call the main office and leave a message, which will be delivered to your child. Students will not be able to take phone calls during the school day.
In the event of an emergency requiring that parent/guardians have immediate contact with their child, parents/guardians should either call or go to the office to explain the circumstances of the emergency, and request that their student be called to the office to meet and/or talk with them (key problems, pick up arrangements etc. are not considered emergencies and a message can be
left for the student).
Students will not have access to their personal cell phones during the school day. If you get a call from your child during the day on their cell phone, they are not following the school rule regarding turning cell phones into to teachers upon arrival at school.
Home Calls
Students will not be excused from their class to call parents/guardians during the day unless there is a notified emergency through the school office.
Social Media
Students are not allowed to access social media in school such as Facebook, Snapchat, Tik Tok, or Instagram. According to social media sources, students must be at least 13 years of age before being able to set up an account. Please be aware if your child has inappropriately set up any such social media accounts. Social Media bullying and/or harassment that becomes an issue at school
between students will be handled in the same way as any other school bullying and/or harassment issue along with detailed follow up with the parents regarding appropriate social media use outside of school.