
Items Which are not Allowed at School

There are certain things, which, as a rule, students are asked not to bring to school with them. These items include, but are not limited to:

Elementary School Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

 While we understand that you may want your child to carry a cell phone so they can contact you outside of school, our policy is that students may not use or possess cell phones at school under any circumstance. If a student brings a cell phone to school, it must be turned into their classroom teacher at the beginning of the school day. It will be returned to the student at the end of the same school day. Other electronic devices, including, but not limited to, music players, stereos, iPads, earpods, Apple Watch and video games should not be brought to school for any reason. Any electric device that is being used during school, and is not authorized will be confiscated by Stonebridge staff and turned in to the School Director. Items will be returned to a parent or guardian by Stonebridge staff.

Stonebridge World School is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.




Food, candy and gum should be left home at all times. Candy and gum are never acceptable in school, as they inevitably lead to problems with classmates or gum on the floor or in the carpet.



Stonebridge has implemented a “non-food birthday treats” policy. No food will be distributed for a birthday celebration. If you would like an alternative to food treats for your child’s birthday celebration at school. Always check with your child’s teacher first to see what he/she finds acceptable for their classroom and be sure to provide advanced notice to make sure that they can fit the birthday plans into their schedule.



Stonebridge asks that all of these items be left at home and not brought to school. Many of them inevitably lead to conflict between classmates, and are easily lost or stolen. Any items brought to school may be confiscated by staff and returned only to a parent. Toy guns and look-alike weapons brought to school may result in further disciplinary action.

The personal possessions of students and/or a student’s person may be searched when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school rules. The search will be reasonable in its scope and intrusiveness. It is a violation for students to have on their person or in their personal possessions anything that violates school rules or the law.

Stonebridge World School is not responsible for items brought to school that are lost, damaged or stolen. Prohibited items that are brought to school or used in class will be confiscated by staff and may only be returned to a parent or guardian.